You do the scrubbing, we clean up the mess.
By Appointment Only.
Self-Service Baths
The Rub-a-Dub Dog self-service bath includes full use of our bath facilities including: aprons, brushes and other grooming tools, various all-natural shampoos and rinses*, towels and doggy blow dryers, and lots of special treats! There are no limits on products used. Just come in and make yourself at home.
We have six bright and airy semi-private wash stations equipped with waist-high tubs (no more bending over), steps to get your dog up in the tub, and a restraint to keep the dog in the tub. Our stations include a separate drying table for blowing all that undercoat out or spending extra time clipping your dog's hair and nails.
Our tubs are porcelain with rubber mats. We do not have stainless steel tubs which makes our doggie customers happy.
Besides a variety of shampoos and rinses*, each station includes a cup of treats, ear cleaner and cotton, and after-bath spritzer. Furminator tools, toothpaste, nail clippers and Dremel are also available at no extra cost.
*Shampoos available at no extra cost include a deshedding shampoo & rinse, an oatmeal shampoo & rinse (for itchy skin), Buddy Wash & Buddy Rinse (Lavender & Mint), a natural flea-deterrent shampoo, hypo-allergenic shampoo & rinse, whitening shampoo, black-coat shampoo, and Earthbath Hot Spot Relief Shampoo.