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Wait Outside

Please wait outside or in your car until your appointment time.  You may enter at your appointment time.  Call us at 206-789-5311 if you have any questions while you wait.  Please maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and any others waiting.

No Guests

If possible, please limit those entering the shop to you and your dog.  Please do not bring other guests including children.

Wear a mask

Please wear mask or cloth covering over your nose and mouth.

Self-screen for Covid-19

Please cancel your appointment if you or anyone in your family has a fever, cough, shortness of breath, unusual fatigue, muscle aches, or new loss of taste or smell.  In addition, please cancel if you have been in contact with someone who has been diagosed with Covid-19.

Phone Number Required

In the event contact tracing is necessary, we require a valid phone number at the time of booking.



During the required closure, we have completely renovated our space with ease of disinfecting and cleaning at the forefront of our design decisions.  We have removed porous surfaces such as carpet, photo walls, and extra furnishings.

Appointment Only Self-Service

Self-service dog washes are available by appointment only and can be made online.  Please see the item descriptions in the scheduling section for more details.


Limited Occupancy

We are limiting occupancy to no more than 4 customers in the shop at one time and those waiting must wait outside or in their cars.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

We are spending more time cleaning and disinfecting each station between baths and ask for your patience if you are waiting for a tub. We are following cleaning practices and using cleaning products recommended to kill COVID-19 among other germs.

Maintaining 6 Foot Distance

For toenail clipping and anal gland expression services we will ask you to step away while we complete the task in order to maintain a 6 foot distance

Wearing masks and self-screening

Our staff will be wearing masks at all times, and we will self-screen for signs of Covid-19 before each shift.

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